How many people love brussels sprouts? Don't all raise your hands at once! From my experience you either love or hate brussels sprouts. I am 28 years old and didn't have my first brussels sprout until about a year ago. My mother didn't care for them, so I never saw them as a child. If she were to cook them for me I am sure I would have turned up my nose to them. Up until my 20's I didn't really eat many cooked vegetables other than corn and carrots. I started to try freshly cooked vegetables instead of canned, and I actually liked them.
So a year ago, one of my co-workers had steamer bag of them, I was intrigued and I really liked them! Then about a week later I say Guy Fieri visiting a diner on one of my favorite shows Diner's, Drive-In's and Dive's and this cook took brussels sprouts to a whole new level for me. Here is my take on the ultimate brussels sprout.
Brussels Sprouts come in a couple of different forms. You can get baby brussels sprouts or regular brussels sprouts. These two come in frozen or fresh form. Of course fresh is going to be your best bet, however frozen is a viable option as well. If you buy baby sprouts you'll just have to rinse them and take of any wilted outer leaves. Trim up anything on the sprout that doesn't look appealing. If they are baby you can cook them whole and you'll love them, or you can halve them. If you found large brussels sprouts I would highly recommend halving them. Toss them in you choice of steamer vessel. You'll be able to tell when they are ready to come out of the steamer, because they will turn really bright green.
While they are steaming get a sauté pan with some butter and crumbled bacon going. Melt the butter and add a little garlic and onion. Don't burn the Garlic! It will give you an awful taste. When your onions are good and sauteed add your sprouts to the pan. Fry them up just until the edges get a little brown and shake them up in the pan. When all the sprouts have a slight browning to them remove and plate.
If you don't want to lick the pan clean after eating these brussels sprouts, they aren't for. After all... what wouldn't taste better when you add bacon and butter ;)